Recently, The Merrimon-Wynne House, located in Raleigh, NC opened a new part of their venue called the Carriage House. We had the opportunity to attend the opening event for the Carriage House, and let me tell you, we were blown away! The house itself is already breathtakingly beautiful, with it’s old architecture and beautiful staircase, but the addition of the Carriage House expands the possibilities of all types of events hosted at The Merrimon-Wynne, from business dinners and corporate functions, to large-scale weddings and bridal luncheons. 

We arrived to the party through the front doors of the house and exited out the side doors and made our way to the Carriage House. All of the guests were dressed beautifully, mingling with one another while sipping wine and eating hors d’oeuvres. The ladies of The Merrimon-Wynne House did not forget any details, from interesting entertainment and a beautiful hanging food installation to a gelato station and flower crowns in the bathroom.

When we entered the Carriage House we were amazed at the detailed architecture. It is an absolutely spectacular building, with intricate and tall ceilings, beautiful beams, and a lovely brick patio lining the entrances. The Carriage House truly makes it The Merrimon-Wynne an absolute ideal venue. 

It was so fun to attend the Carriage House opening; it was an evening I will never forget! The ladies of the Merrimon-Wynne House are so warm and friendly, and truly made all of the guests feel welcomed. We can’t wait to go back, and hopefully host our own events, using the beautiful new Carriage House!

Photography by: Amy Campbell



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