I recently sat down with Sarah Becker of Becker Talks Money to chat about all things money and small biz success. Not only is Sarah a money maven and a fantastic photographer, she’s also a very dear friend. We actually co-founded a company together, and I know for a fact she’s got *all the facts.* Her financial strategies have always inspired me, and now that she’s teaching other creatives her profitable ways, I couldn’t be more excited. She is the perfect addition to The Restorative Retreat, and her session on Master Your Money will teach creatives all about creating a firm foundation for profitability and financial success. Be sure to read the full feature for an exciting bonus at the end of this post!

– How did you decide to become an entrepreneur?
I always thought I’d work a typical 9-to-5 job like I saw my dad do growing up, but at the age of 31 I’ve yet to actually have one! Ha! I started my own business in college and never stopped. Since then, I’ve started three successful businesses!
– Best piece of money advice:
Get clear on your own goals (don’t fall prey to someone else’s), define how much money you truly need and strategize your offerings accordingly, and be okay with progress over perfection!
– Why your session is applicable to all entrepreneurs?
During my time at the School of Styling, we’ll be digging into defining your values and how money can help you get there. Every entrepreneur needs to do this important work, but so often we are understandably distracted by all the urgency that comes with business ownership. However, not setting aside the time to do this work costs you – literally! Through my workshop and our homework together, you’ll be setting you (and future you!) up for financial success.
– Favorite part of being a financial educator?
I absolutely love showing female entrepreneurs what is truly possible in their business. I’ve helped clients and students go from working five days to four days without losing a penny, craft a retirement strategy that will hit a million dollars by the age of 65, turn a side-hustle into a full-time-business (buh bye corporate job!), and more! I also love breaking down the stigma surrounding money. We should all be talking about money way more than we do! I recently asked fifteen of the smartest female entrepreneurs I know to share their best money advice, and as a friend of the School of Styling you get access to all this wisdom too! You can instantly download it here!
– Best business investment:
By far the best business investments I’ve made is in furthering my education and growing my community – I love that the School of Styling Restorative Retreat has BOTH!
– Your biggest financial goal:
I just achieved a goal I’d be working towards for a while – to own a second home and split my year between two places. Now that I’m able to do that – and it’s just as amazing as I expected! – I’m working on becoming work-optional by 45.
Retire by 45?! Yes, Sarah, I am all in! We hope you’ll join Sarah and I for The Restorative Retreat November 8-10 in Covington, Louisiana to help secure your own financial success. In the meantime, be sure to grab her freebie: The Entrepreneur Money Guide.