5 Things You Should Be Able to Say If You’re ready to Rebrand
Written by Nikki Mihalik
Hey, creatives! Welcome back to my series on rebranding. Today we’re going to tackle the question, When should you rebrand? First, let’s get something straight :: Do you WANT to rebrand? and Are you READY to rebrand? are two very different things. It’s both inspiring and overwhelming to see so many successful brands out there, and I understand the itch to want to be one, but hold on! Take a deep breath. Before you dive in, be sure you can say the following 5 statements:
1. I’ve done enough research to feel confident about this investment. Translation :: Hooray! You’ve found a few designers whose vision and expertise will work perfectly for your brand. After initial meetings and follow-ups, you’ve narrowed down the options based on availability, cost, turnaround, communication style, etc. You’re excited about the possibilities and everything here is on track.
2. I know what I want (or close to it). Translation :: After living with your current brand for some time, you’ve come to understand where it falls short. You’ve pinpointed your target market, and you can describe the look/feel you want to achieve with 3-5 adjectives. (If you’re super organized, you’ve curated a collection of inspiration in a scrapbook, planner, or Pinterest board.) In addition to imagining your new visuals, you’ve recorded a detailed list of design needs (ex: logo, color palette, business card, etc.).
3. I’ve done enough business to afford a rebrand. Translation :: you’ve been working long enough and hard enough to feel comfortable with the amount of money that will be required to rebrand. Don’t forget you’ll have to reprint existing collateral, such as business cards, letterhead, stationery, packaging, etc. If your favorite designer is out of reach, either wait and save or go with someone else. Stretching your budget to the absolute limits will make the process super stressful, and this is supposed to be FUN!
4. I’m ready to let go of my old brand. Translation :: Truth be told, not all designers are willing to do rebrands because clients tend to have a hard time letting go. But this isn’t you. You’re 100% ready to start fresh and be open to new ideas.
5. I have no doubt that rebranding will have a positive impact on my business. Translation :: You already have an awesome product or service that customers love, so this isn’t an effort to save something that might not be working. You’re pretty darn confident that either your current customers will welcome this change OR your new, potential customers—if you’ve outgrown your previous market—will be drawn to this look.
So…how’d you do? Are you ready for a rebrand, or is it time to reevaluate? If you’re stressing out, think of it this way: your customers have no idea you’ve been thinking about this, so it’s not a big deal if you hold off. Knowing WHEN to rebrand is about confidence and preparation. If you’ve done your homework and feel good about this, go for it! If you’re wondering HOW to do all this research and prep work, stay tuned for the last part in this series.
Read Part One of Akula Kreative’s Branding Series!
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