Name: Lindsey Lee Hartsell / Age: 32 / Profession: Professional Photographer: Lindsey Lee Photography / Rent or Own Studio: Own / Bedrooms: 2 / Baths: 1 / Square Footage: Roughly 1300 / City, State: Concord, NC / Years in Studio: 1 year
You had a few different jobs after college. Why did you decide to pursue photography? I come from a long family line of entrepreneurs, so I knew that owning my own business was the route I was destined to take. After looking into a few different creative outlets, I jumped back into my long time hobby of photography and hit the ground running. I knew I could make it the business and career I wanted. I started in 2008, which was not a great time in the economy to give up a stable, full time job with benefits, but I was determined.
You previously worked out of your home. Why did you transition into a separate space? Before we grew our family by two boys, working from home was ideal! Low overhead and I could work around the clock. Two babies changed that fairly quickly! Client meetings and appointment times started to interfere with everyday life for the two littles, not to mention it was hard to get anything done…even if someone was there nannying! While we weren’t actively looking for an outside space, when the opportunity presented itself, I just KNEW it was right. The boys got their house back and I got a place to work while being fully present all the while setting boundaries for my work life.
How did you decide on this particular house to turn into your studio? The first time I walked into the house, I just knew it could be my studio. It is located on 3 acres on a very well known street, so I knew there was potential for shooting indoors and out, and the location was unmatched. For lack of better words, the home fell in our lap and the second I saw it, I knew it was the next step for us.
I love the before and after pictures. There is so much space in this house, what was your inspiration for styling each room? I love to decorate, it’s another creative outlet for me, so figuring out what to do with the space was so much fun! My decorating aesthetic is “light and airy” with a touch of a nautical appeal. Natural textures always draw me in.
I knew one room had to the be “shooting room”, so it was left pretty empty to allow for backdrops and props. The second bedroom I knew would be the boudoir studio, as well as a place to shoot newborns indoors during the winter. I wanted to keep it light and neutral.
The living room was going to be the first thing the clients saw, so I wanted to really showcase my photography and all of the products I offer, yet make it feel inviting as well as FUN. The neutral palette really allows my photography to pop.
My office was to be the place where I spend SO much of my time, so I wanted it to be clean and fresh and have a look that inspired me to work. The chandelier in there is one of my favorite items of the whole house.
While I don’t need to use the kitchen on a daily basis, all of the counter space and cabinet space was perfect for my business, but I still wanted it to look good! The fresh white cabinets went perfectly with the blue walls, and I always dreamed of having a breakfast nook with built in bench seats. Luckily the hubby obliged and made them for me! This space makes me so happy- even if I’m only in there for packaging orders and microwaving lunch meals.
I am a bargain shopper by nature, so looking for deals, scouring auctions and searching at flea markets really paid off in some the one of kind pieces that live in our studio now. I am really proud of how it all came together!
Describe your style in one sentence: Light and airy with a timeless + nautical feel.
What advice would you give someone who is considering purchasing property for office space? If it works for the numbers of your business(which is has to first!) then it is money well spent! I love that we are making an investment into our future vs. renting, and having a permanent studio space has really allowed us to expand our baby, family, and newborn brand. Not to mention, working from home was no longer working for our family. The structure a studio space offers has definitely paid off for us!
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